Saturday, October 2

Chels preview: Hello Hello...........

So here we are on the doorstep of proper test for the squad.

Kos v drogba will be a big battle
Football Fans Know BetterI like kos is style of cutting out the threat early does seem risky some times though, hopefully he'll have the good sense to not to do it as last defender if were caught in the counter.

Malouda is another one that will need to be stopped I hope sanga sticks close to him.

Would be nice to see denilson and song starting thought denilson was excellent in the holding role on tues.

Am bit torn if i want to see diaby or not, thats up to AW.
But i hope we have learnt our lessons from last season and will not go gunho and play compact ie two more defensive mid's.

Chelsea failed their first test last week
now it time for us keep them down there.
They didn't look good on tues and were lucky to get both goals.

Of course  will be prob galvanised with ancelotti dads death and terry's news of the world story about to break. Interesting to see whats its about im guessing cross dresser.

Another great performance form arshavin is expected, was fantastic on tuesday and coming up against ivanovic will have a tough job but, atleast clichy wont have to worry too much about ivanovic getting forward cos it dont happen.

And last but not least Super Samir hope he'll be everywhere saved his legs on tues. So expect him and big jack to run the show up front.

Hope everyone will remember it aint 6 points it just 3 and an away win. But the win will give us belief so can win this league.

RSD out

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